Elgin is the 2021 featured town for the Antelope County Museum Evening at the Museum, 410 L Street, Neligh. Take advantage of free museum admission 5 p.m. – 8 p.m., Saturday, July 3 for this event which promises to bring Elgin history to life.
See a display of prized Elgin memorabilia, including a farmer’s daily journal dating from the late 1800s, pill-making paraphernalia from the pioneer Elgin drug store, precious keepsakes from Elgin businesses back in the day, and more. A video highlighting Elgin past and present will be featured.
Also included is a 43-stop self-guided tour of Elgin sites tracking the town’s development since its beginnings in 1889. Elgin’s swanky Hotel Logan and the Koinzan hangar featuring vintage aircraft will be open from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 pm, Saturday, July 3. For the complete story turn to this weeks Elgin Review.