Central Valley Ag announced plans to expand its’ grain storage capacity at Monday night’s Elgin City Council meeting.
Keith Gillham of Central Valley Ag met with Mayor Mike Schmitt and council members to discuss those plans. He said CVA wants to add additional storage space by constructing two new grain bins. One proposal is to construct two grain bins which would have a storage capacity of approximately 340,000 bushels. The other proposal is to construct two larger bins which would provide approximately 900,000 bushels of storage. Other improvements planned for CVA’s downtown location is to add an additional receiving pit and receiving leg, redo the warehouse at the feed mill, add an additional scale which would bring the number to two so that one could be used for inbound and the other for outbound trucks.
Gillham said he will be back in July when the Council is expected to act on the proposed building plans.
Then there’s the CVA Hardware store. CVA recently announced plans to close the hardware/lumber store. Gillham said CVA is open to other options to keep a hardware store in Elgin. While not guaranteeing anything, he said CVA is willing to look at some options.