The Elgin Community Club met Monday night to further finalize activities for the upcoming Vetch Days Celebration.
This year’s celebration will be held May 31 through June 2.
The theme for this year’s big celebration here in Elgin will be “Are You Ready For The Summer?”
As in past years, the dates for Vetch Days are determined by the availability of a carnival.
McWhorter Entertainment will provide this year’s carnival, according to Alan Reicks, community club president.
New this year, the carnival will operate in afternoon and evening 4-hour shifts on Friday and Saturday. Why one might ask?
According to information presented at the meeting, families will have the opportunity to purchase special passes for $10 so their child can have unlimited rides during a shift.
Carnival tickets will go on sale Wednesday, May 2 at One Stop, City Limits, Hometown Station and Dean’s Market here in Elgin.
Friday, June 1, will be Kid’s Day at Vetch Days. New this year will be the Nebraska Outdoor Event Trailer provided by the Game & Parks Commission. It will be at the park from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Elgin Koed Group will have a kickball tournament for junior high and high school age kids on Saturday. For more information on kickball, contact Jessie Reestman.
Other tentative events (subject to change) which are scheduled to be part of the celebration are:
Friday, June 1
Sidewalk Chalk Art Contest
Elgin Community Center Meal & Pie Social
Pool party and kids’ races
Community BBQ
Putt Putt Golf
Hair Dryer Chair Races
Saturday, June 2
5-K Run
Tractor Drive
Antique Tractor Pull
Pork Feed & Beer Garden
More events may be added in the coming weeks.
The Vetch Days poster listing all the activities will be printed on Thursday, May 10. The deadline for having events listed on the poster is Tuesday, May 8.
Contact Lynell at The Elgin Review (402) 843-5500 to have your event listed on the poster.