Maggie Beth Meis was born at 3:11 p.m. on May 19, 2009, at Clarkson Hospital in Omaha. The daughter of Anthony and Maria Meis of Gretna, she weighed seven pounds and was 20 inches long. Grandparents are Charlie and Pamela Meis of Albion, Roger and Virginia Nelson of Genoa. Great grandparents are Bob and Marie Schrage, Angela Meis and the late Herman Meis.
A son, John Patrick Harbison, was born May 7, 2009 at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend, Ore., to Julie Wehr and Patrick Harbison of Bend, OR. He weighed six pounds, eight ounces and 19-1/2 inches long. His gra-ndparents are Douglas and Marian Wehr of Lexington, NE., Sandra Harbison of Bend, OR., and Greg Piatt of Welches, OR. His great-grandparents include Arlene and the late Edward Eischeid of Elgin, Eilene and the late Veryl Wehr of Elwood, NE., John Harbison of Surprise, AK., Marjorie Forsythe of Hermiston, OR., and Larry Piatt of Prineville, OR. John Patrick joins his three-year-old sister, Melody, at home in Bend.
Anna & Craig Galle of Elkhorn, Ne. are parents of a son, Trevor Michael, born June 4, 2009.Maternal grandparents are Carol & George Busteed and late Ron Vanourney of Elgin, Ne. Paternal grandparents are Kathy & Joe Galle of Kalispell, Mt.
Nathan and Katy Dickerson of Omaha are the parents of a son, Samuel Robert, who was born Friday, June 12. He weighed seven pounds and was 20 1/4” long. He has a brother, Steven, at home.Grandparents are Jim and Julie Dickerson of Albion and Rose Kolvek of Omaha. Great grandparents are Robert and Eleanor Lafler of Sidney.