Proceedings- District #18 Board of Education

Regular Meeting
EPS Lunchroom
May 11, 2021, 7:30 PM
President Steve Busteed called the regular monthly meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Board members present were Eric Beckman, Ron Bode, Steve Busteed, Todd Heithoff, Luke Hinkle, and Lisa Welding. Also present were Superintendent Mike Brockhaus and Principal Greg Wemhoff.
President Busteed led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Busteed reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.
School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07.
Todd Heithoff motioned and Lisa Welding second to approve the Consent Agenda: #5- Minutes of Previous Meeting, #6- Adopt the Agenda, #7- Financial Report, #8- Board Bills. Motion carried, vote 6-0.
AMH, Transportation, $145.00; Apple, REAP Expense, $1,495.00; Appeara, Maintenance, $231.58; Beckman Lumber, Instru Expense, $45.32; Binswanger Glass, Maintenance, $134.50; Central NE Rehab, SpEd Expense, $731.24, SpEd Expense, $317.57; Colonial Research Chemical, Maintenance, $285.60; Dean’s Market, Maintenance, $89.73, Instru Expense, $50.28, Instru Expense, $70.66; Eakes, Maintenance, $289.48; Elgin Body & Glass, Transportation, $500.00; Elgin Hardware, Maintenance, $305.51, Instru Expense, $65.57; Elgin One Stop, Transportation, $967.54; Elgin Review, Board Expense, $62.89, Business Expense, $1,137.50; Elite Office Products, Instru Expense, $1,202.96; Elgin Public School Yearbook, Instru Expense, $20.00; Environmental Services, Maintenance, $547.04; GHA Technologies, Inc., REAP Expense, $4,325.00; GP Communications, Business Expense, $676.12; Hometown Station, Transportation, $1,169.93; Island Supply, Instru Expense, $96.00; John’s Disposal, Business Expense, $222.00; Jonny Dodge, Transportation, $933.79; KSB School Law, Board Expense, $1,643.13, Instru Expense, $3,156.80; MSM Enterprises, SpEd Expense, $110.52; NASB, Admin Expense, $155.00, Board Expense, $25.00; NCSA, Admin Expense, $645.00; Olson’s Pest Technicians, Maintenance, $99.00; OneSource, Instru Expense, $16.00; Precision Repair, Transportation, $396.35; Reimbursement, $1,150.19; TMS, Business Expense, $56.70; Textbook Warehouse, Textbook Loan, $648.55; Verizon Business, Business Expense, $92.95; Verizon Wireless, Business Expense, $355.93; WageWorks, Instru Expense, $170.75; Winners’ Circle, Instru Expense, $421.35
Total Board Bills: $25,261.03
May Payroll: $234,064.23
Total Board Bills/ Payroll: $259,325.26
President Busteed recognized visitors and asked if the patrons had any comments.
In Committee meetings, the Wolfpack Sports Co-op Committee met this past month. Dance uniforms were discussed and it was decided to pay for dance tops & poms for 12 uniforms every 7 years. Wolfpack will need to purchase female wrestling singlets that match the current boys singlets. Basketball uniforms are in the purchase rotation for this year and old uniforms will be sold for $5 per piece. Parent’s night was discussed and will continue with the same format. Wrestling parent’s night will be held during the EPPJ WR Tourney. Discussion will continue on JH FB uniform replacement and a possible family admission pass for home games.
Principal Wemhoff reported on spring activities held and the completion of the school year.
Supt. Brockhaus reported on progress of the summer projects.
In action items, discussion was held on the graduation date for 2021-2022. Luke Hinkle motioned, Welding second to approve graduation on May 7th at 4:00 p.m. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Heithoff motioned, Ron Bode second to accept the resignation of Tina Thiele-Blecher with regret. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Welding motioned, Eric Beckman second to approve the teaching contract of Krista Kravig as business teacher/tech coordinator. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Heithoff motioned, Hinkle second to approve the teaching contract of Hayley Stamp as 7th & 8th gr. language arts teacher and media specialist. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Bode motioned, Welding second to approve the teaching contract of Tiffany Shepherd as reading specialist teacher. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Discussion was held on classified employees work agreements and salaries. This item was tabled until further information is received.
The Wolfpack account is running low and each school was asked to contribute $5,000 to replenish the account. Heithoff motioned, Hinkle second to transfer $5,000.00 from activity funds into Wolfpack account. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Welding motioned, Heithoff second to approve the handbooks for 2021-2022 as presented with the code of conduct and bullying policy added. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Hinkle motioned, Bode second to discard unusable items from the storage sheds. Vote 6-0, motion carried.
The board reviewed the textbook purchase rotation and discussed the selling of old wolfpack basketball uniforms.
Motion by Welding seconded by Bode to adjourn the meeting. Vote 6-0, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on June 15, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in the Distance Learning Room at Elgin Public School. The annual board retreat will follow the regular meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Bode, Secretary
Paula Jensen, Recorder
-This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.
PUBLISH: May 19, 2021