PJCC seniors to graduate Sunday afternoon

The Class of 2020 at Pope John XXIII Central Catholic will don cap and gown to graduate Sunday afternoon, July 19.
In a school year that provided unique challenges to students, teachers and administrators alike, commencement will bring closure. Originally scheduled for Mother’s Day, graduation was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. at St. Boniface gymnasium, graduation will feature an address by Class Speaker Faith Kinney. She is the daughter of Josh and Marie Kinney.
Special music will be performed by Breanna Bartak, Kaylee Ramold and Taylynne Charf.
Conferring of diplomas will be done by Father John Norman.
Earlier in the ceremony, a scholarship presentation will be made by PJCC Guidance Counselor Julie Schiltmeyer.
In addition to Bartak and Kinney, others to receive diplomas are Lane Bartak, Austin Bauer, Brynn Dilly, Luke Henn, James Hupp, Kayce Kallhoff, Conor Ramold and Haley Zegers.
Closed ceremony
PJCC Principal Betty Getzfred said the school is allowed to have 50 percent occupancy at the gym for graduation.
Each senior will have tickets for 20 guests. Each guest will need to present their ticket at the door to gain entrance into the gymnasium. Twenty chairs will be set up together for the family and guests of each graduate. Parents are asked to sit together in the aisle chairs for the flower presentation. There will be no bleachers seating.  The graduation ceremony will not be open to the student body or public.  Entry will be by invitation only (ticket). The school plans to livestream the ceremony.