Bids were opened at 2 pm on Wednesday, August 17 for the Elgin Swimming Pool construction project.
Three bids were received for the project slated to begin later this year. Bids for Contract 1 and its alternates deal with the actual pool and general construction (pool vessel, decking, bathhouse, shade structures and more). Bids for Contract 2 deal with the pool mechanical construction (Sub-Base material, water features, below & above ground piping and more).
Businesses submitting bids and their figures are:
Mechanical Incorporated of Freeport, IL submitted a bid for Pool Mechanical Construction-Contract #2 only. Their base bid-lump sum submitted was $375,000. Bid Alternate #2-1: Granular Material-Type D (dealing with the Sub-Base material) was add $50 and deduct $25 per cubic yard. Bid Alternate #2-2 (water feature/toddler slide) was $49,600.
Ricchio Inc. of Gurney, IL submitted a combination bid for both Contract 1 and Contract 2. On Contract 1, the base bid-lump sum was $1,649,000. Bid Alternate #1-1 Deck, was $6 per square foot. Bid Alternate #1-2 Granular Material-Type D was $60 total. Bid Alternate #1-3 Bathhouse lump sum bid of $497,700. Bid Alternate #1-4 Shade Structures lump sum bid of $16,500.
Their figures for Contract 2 were Bid Alternate #2-1 Granular Material-Type D was $60 per cubic yard. Bid Alternate #2-2 (water feature/toddler slide) was $16,000. Ricchio also included a list of previous projects they worked on.
Christiansen Construction Co., LLC of Pender, NE submitted a bid for Contract 1 only. Their base bid-lump sum was $1,176,000. Bid Alternate #1-1 was $6.05 per square foot. Bid Alternate #1-2 was an add of $53.26 per cubic yard and a subtract of $39.71 per cubic yard. Bid Alternate #1-3 Bathhouse lump sum bid of $352,973. Bid Alternate #1-4 Shade Structure lump sum bid of $18,367. Christiansen also included a list of previous projects they worked on.
Previously, the Council had planned to review and make a decision on the bids the next day (Thursday). The project engineer will now review the bids and make a recommendation to the Council at their next regular meeting on Tuesday, September 6. Plans are for the Council to award bids that evening.